| downloads | drivers | user administration
Current Release: 2.4.5 from 7/3/2013 (Linux 64-bit download length: 94827295 (90M))
$ ./bin/mongod --version
db version v2.4.5
Thu Jul 4 10:16:37.906 git version: a2ddc68ba7c9cee17bfe69ed840383ec3506602b
Document based
Documents like JavaScript objects
$set - used to modify (db.mycollection.update({name:somename},{$set: {age:32}})
Current Release: 2.4.5 from 7/3/2013 (Linux 64-bit download length: 94827295 (90M))
$ ./bin/mongod --version
db version v2.4.5
Thu Jul 4 10:16:37.906 git version: a2ddc68ba7c9cee17bfe69ed840383ec3506602b
Document based
Documents like JavaScript objects
- save - create
- find - retrieve document
- update - modify existing document
- remove - delete (db.mycoll.remove(), db.mycoll.remove({name:fred})
- Insert/Remove from collections
- $push - db.mycoll.update({name:Hank}, {$push: {languages:python}})
- $pull - db.mycoll.update({name:Cyndi}, {$pull: {songs:borderline}})
- Query operations:
- $gt - >
- $gte - >=
- $lt - <
- $lte - <=
- $ne - !=
- $in - is in array
- $nin - ! in array
- $or - $or: [{this:that},{other:something else}]
$set - used to modify (db.mycollection.update({name:somename},{$set: {age:32}})