I was privileged to be invited by a dear friend Aizuddin Danian to shoot alongside him at the My FM 14th Birthday Bash 2012 concert, happening just last night at Bukit Jalil National Stadium, KL. The beautiful thing about this shoot was that we were provided with Media Pass, much thanks to Aizuddin, we did not have to line up early for good spots, we arrived about 30 minutes before the concert started, and still could get close to the stage, at a designated location just for media photographers. I love loud music, I love live performance, and certainly it was a great was to end my week, listening to some really awesome talents performing live to commemorate the local radio stations anniversary. There is just something about loud music pumping that got me going, it gets my blood rushing. Having to work my camera adds even more to the excitement factor.
All images were taken with Olympus DSLR E-5 and Zuiko Digital 50-200mm F2.8-3.5 (non-swd)
Most live concerts now come with some sort of stage play or drama, and a comedic mix with light action scenes. The Radio Deejays would have to act as one of the characters and naturally they already have the talent to entertain the public. These days, being Radio DeeJays, you do need to have a public face as well, not just a voice behind the microphone.
Since I am not too familiar to the local Chinese music industry, if I have made any mistake naming the artists, please kindly notify me in the comments or email so I can rectify them accordingly, soonest possible. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Hu Xia
Geraldine Gan and Tha Jie Ying
Aric Ho
Thosmas Jack
Alvin Chong
Alvin Chong. Seems like he was the crowds favourite !!
Peace Teo
Peace Teo and AK
Peace Teo and AK
Liu Li Yang, visiting from Taiwan.
Liu Li Yang. gosh I really like her voice, and she performs live very, very well too. Amazing singer.
Liu Li Yang
Pink Tan. And some exotic dancers.
Kit Teo, and his pal, ermm... a REAL python.
I think he must really know how to sing, else, the snake wont be that forgiving.
What a way to end a song, must be memorable to his fans.
AK doing their dance on stage.
Peter Pan (not too sure about this one, anyone can confirm?)
Christine Fan or Fan Fan
Fan Fan
Nicholas Teo (or Zhang) from my hometown, Kuching, Sarawak.
Special thanks to Aizuddin for the opportunity to shoot alongside you at the concert. It was great seeing so many great artists coming together to perform, and surely I have enjoyed myself thoroughly. Though I am not exactly well-versed in Mandarin or Canto, seeing Chinese live music surely was refreshing, and I was impressed by many of the works presented live last night.